Monday, August 25, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT! New Way of Predictions - LOOK!

This is getting embarassing.. Predictions going nowhere and i'm made to eat my words. From today onwards, I will post predictions only right before the match starts and it can be from ANY LEAGUE IN THE WORLD!

Look out for tips on this space. If in doubt, fellow punters are welcomed to wait and see the accuracy of my predictions in the next few matches before placing trust on my tips again.

The several reasons for this is that -

1. I realise my predictions work better on other leagues compared to just EPL though it may be the best league in the world.

2. Predictions are more accurate nearing the kick-off time.

3. Reason why i didn't do this earlier - inconvenience for me as I have to be in front of a computer and start posting whenever I have finish analyzing the teams.

*Note -
As my predictions can now be from ANY LEAGUE in the world, it means I will post even late at night, so check constantly to make sure u do not miss out on the match!